Focus: Group Dynamics, Small Ruminants & Poultry SMEs.

Acted as a Facilitating Agency (i.e. Implementer) for the livestock component of the IFAD/AfDB Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP)

Focus: Creation of a multi-sectorial pipeline of projects with bankable business plans across Africa.

Supported SSG Advisors to design and prepared the Agricultural Fast Track Fund (AFTF) of the G8 and implemented by the African Development Bank (AfDB) for eventual roll out.

Focus: Creating businesses out of grantees for sustainable operations.

Supported the Ghana Commercial Agriculture Project (GCAP) to build the capacity of selected First Call beneficiary commercial farmers to better plan and manage the resources obligated to them.

Focus: Group Dynamics, Small ruminants, improved fuelwood stoves & raised yam storage huts.

Main Implementer for a Ghana Government Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLG&RD) Food Security & Environment Facility (FSEF) project named “Collaborative Action for Lasting Livelihoods (CALL) Project” in Bole and Sawla-Kalba Districts of Northern Ghana.

Focus: Sustainable cocoa farming operations.

Country counterpart for design and roll out of a Social Returns on Investment (SROI) assessment strategy for the Cadbury Cocoa Partnership in Ghana.

Focus: Alternative livelihood interventions, resettlement, and farming.

Community Development Partner to the Bui Power Authority (BPA).  Supporting the BPA to provide alternative livelihoods to communities affected by the construction and operations of the Bui Hydroelectric Plant. The project involved the resettlement of eight communities, with population of 1,217. 

Focus: Facilitator and mentor for grantee SMEs operating in all sectors of the economy.

Country Programme Partner in Ghana for the implementation of United States African Development Foundation (USADF) interventions in Ghana from October 2008 to January 2011.  Managed a grant portfolio of approximately US$6 million obligated to 24 SMEs.

Focus: Community Development interventions.

Supported Enterprise for Development International (EfDI) of Nigeria, to develop a Corporate Social Investment Strategy for British Gas Nigeria (BG-Nigeria. 

Focus: Alternate Livelihoods & Community Development interventions.

Supported the Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA) of Nigeria to establish and operationalized a “Programmes department” that had a budget of over US$100 million for the first year. A key achievement is the introduction of the concept of sustainability in the project evolution cycle and the conduct of the premier Rivers State Conference on Sustainable Development (RSCSD) that had President Jerry John Rawlings of Ghana and Dr. Ibn Chambas of ECOWAS as guest speakers.

Focus: Organisational Capacity Development & establishment of MEL system.

Partnered OICI to set up for Newmont Gold Ghana Limited, a unit called the Newmont External Affairs Monitoring & Evaluation Unit (NEAMU) with a staff of 22.  Managed the design and operationalisation of the unit for a period of 30 months before handing over.

Focus: Community Development interventions

Facilitated the preparation of a 5-year community development plan for Penyi community, in the Volta region of Ghana. The Plan Implementation Board was established and inaugurated. This was an intervention fully funded by DSC, with the support of Genuine Products & Services Limited.

Partnered Heifer Project International (HPI)

Partnered Heifer Project International (HPI) (a USA PVO working in Ghana) as their Projects Partner in the Volta region. The Project mobilized and worked with 340 farm families by providing them with “living loans” that transformed their lives. Additionally, DSC was a mentor to other HPI project holders and assisted HPI with the design and operationalization of their participatory M&E system.  

West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Project

Was the main contractor for the community/social capital development component for Ghana and Togo for the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Project. Following the Chevron-Texaco project development procedure, a needs assessment, recommendations for preferred project alternatives and design of the community development projects to be implemented were completed. DSC was part of the TERRA Group consortium. 

Chevron-Texaco project

Chevron-Texaco project development procedure, a needs assessment, recommendations for preferred project alternatives and design of the community development projects to be implemented were completed. DSC was part of the TERRA Group consortium.

Escravos Gas to Liquid (EGTL) project

Partnered EfDI of Nigeria and Terra Group of Houston, Texas to prepare a community development plan for the Escravos Gas to Liquid (EGTL) project for Chevron Texaco in Nigeria. 

New Ogborodo township projec

Partnered EfDI of Nigeria and Terra Group of Houston, Texas to prepare a community development plan for the proposed New Ogborodo township project for Chevron Texaco, Nigeria. A project that entailed a minimum annual expenditure of US$5 million over a 10-year period.

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Acted as a Facilitating Agency (i.e. Implementer) for the livestock component of the IFAD/AfDB Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP)

Focus: Group Dynamics, Small Ruminants & Poultry SMEs.