Profile of DSC

Development Solutions Centre (DSC) is the brainchild of three versatile Ghanaian development practitioners with a wealth of experience across Africa and the Americas.  DSC was registered at the Registrar Generals Department of Ghana in 2003 as a company limited by Guarantee.


Local development organizations comfortably engaging their counterparts from developed countries and donors alike on an equal footing in assuring holistic development of Africa, and all concerned fully aware that DSC made it possible. 


To empower communities, grassroots organisations and individuals through the provision of quality services, to enable them to take their destiny in their own hands and become caring, competent, responsible partners who value development as a lifelong process.


DSC is registered as a National NGO and is therefore allowed to operate throughout Ghana. DSC implemented projects in several regions of Ghana that empowered various community members and kept family units together.  The regions covered to date include Volta, Oti, Eastern, Greater Accra, Upper West, Upper East, Savannah, North East, Northern, Ashanti, Central, Bono, Bono East, Ahafo and Western. Additionally, have also had sub-offices in Inchaban (Western Region), Bole (Northern Region) and Penyi (Volta Region) to facilitate its operations.

Additionally, DSC works with a sister limited liability company, Genuine Products & Services Limited (GP&SL) to address the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL), equipment and hardware needs of its SME interventions. 

Our market-based approach to fighting poverty is different, and it makes us more effective and assures sustainability.

Transform Lives, Families, and Communities

A person who works her way out of poverty can hire employees, make investments, and stimulate other local businesses. And thus, the circle of prosperity grows beyond those we work with.

We care for Results

We care about what works, and so we care about good measurement. Due to our antecedents, DSC rigorously measures and analyses our impact to identify what works – so we can do more of it.

We are Local – Homebred

The Board, Staff and all Consultants we work with are Ghanaian – because, we believe that no one understands our communities better, or has a greater stake in its success, than the people who call it home.

Got Question?

Do you have a question, comment or concern about the organization and our work?

Acted as a Facilitating Agency (i.e. Implementer) for the livestock component of the IFAD/AfDB Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP)

Focus: Group Dynamics, Small Ruminants & Poultry SMEs.


  • #6 School Street, Okpoi Gonno. Spintex.
  • +233-24 4310149
  • P. O. Box CT5517, Cantonments. Accra.

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