Capacity building for effective NGO/CBO governance

In Ghana, and across Africa, there is limited capacity for indigenous organizations to plan, source funding and effectively implement projects. As a result, most organizations are unable to have repeat projects from donors. DSC supports the establishment of local governance structures and builds the capacity of organizations and institutions to plan, design and implement projects.

The key focus areas of capacity building are:

  • Strategic Planning/Program Strategy formulation
  • Use of Participatory tools and methodologies
  • Fundraising
  • Organizational Development
  • Board establishment and Development
  • Programs and Projects formulation and management
  • Development of Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and other technical manuals
  • Information and communication technology solutions provision
  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL)
  • Donor Reporting
  • Documentation of Success Stories
  • General NGO Mentoring and coaching.
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Acted as a Facilitating Agency (i.e. Implementer) for the livestock component of the IFAD/AfDB Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP)

Focus: Group Dynamics, Small Ruminants & Poultry SMEs.