Community Development
Historically, most communities in Ghana are perpetual and passive recipients of donor largesse irrespective of the level of need and relevance.
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Educational development needs of Africa have changed over time. Current needs centre around basic education, computer training,
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Business Development Services
Although Africa abounds with people of high intellect and is resource rich, we have failed to cater for our basic needs of food, clothing and shelter.
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Capacity building for effective NGO/CBO governance
In Ghana, and across Africa, there is limited capacity for indigenous organizations to plan
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Agriculture, Food Security and Health
Chronic rural poverty, tenuous environmental conditions, and lack of access to adequate healthcare
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Our Programmes
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Acted as a Facilitating Agency (i.e. Implementer) for the livestock component of the IFAD/AfDB Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP)

Focus: Group Dynamics, Small Ruminants & Poultry SMEs.